23.02.25 | 18.00
Ratusz, Sala Wielka - Wrocław, Cantores Minores Wratislavienses;
18.04.25 | 18.30
Pasja wg św. Jana - Tomás Luis de Victoria
Katedra św Jana Chrzciciela - Wrocław, Cantores Minores Wratislavienses;
Wrocławscy Kameraliści

The cultural institution Wrocławscy Kameraliści was formed on the basis of the Cantores Minores Wratislavienses chamber choir established by Edmund Kajdasz in 1966. From 1974 to 1976, the choir functioned at the Centre of Culture and Art, later at the National Philharmonic in Wrocław, since 1979 it is an independent cultural institution, and since 1994 it is an institution of the Municipality of Wrocław. Since 1967 the choir has had its current name and has been associated with the Museum of Architecture for more than 40 years.
The institution works with the best Polish early music musical ensembles (Concerto Polacco, Wrocław Baroque Orchestra, The Polish Orchestra of the XVIII century and others), soloists and choir directors (S.-L. Kaakinen, W. Ochman, M. Toporowski, J. T. Adamus, L. Tamming, P. Eswood and others), and orchestras such as Wratislawia, Leopoldinum, Ricordanza, AUKSO, Silesian Chamber Orchestra, The L. Janačka z Ostravy L. Philharmonic Chamber Choir and also with W. Malicki, J. Trela, R. Gonera, guitar master Paco Pena and recorder virtuoso Mr. G. Zamphir
To present, the Institution’s groups have performed over 2600 concerts not only around Europe, but also in Kaukazu (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), Israel, Turkey and Mexico. Aside from radio recordings (over 2500 minutes) the group Cantores Minores Wartislavienses has also released 40 CDs, several television recordings and, among others, 36 appearances in the Wratislavia Cantans and 8 concerts at Gaude Mater in Częstochowa.
Since 1993, the institution conducts intensive educational activities for children and youth (over 500 concerts).
The artists of Cantores Minores Wratislavienses also perform in other smaller groups, from 4 to 12 people, working together with other ensembles in Poland and abroad and also perform as soloists.
The ensemble also performs in larger groups numbering up to 70 people under the name Cantores Maiores Wratislavienses. Present and former singers of Cantores Minores Wratislavienses make up the composition of this group, including professional musicians, lecturers of the Musical Academy and musical schools of Wrocław. In 2002, the ensemble appeared in a gala concert on the occasion of the 750 anniversary of the city of Breda (Holand) and since 2007 it performs in the annual E. Kajdasz Festiwal Pokoleń in Lower Silesia. E. Kajdasz Festiwal Pokoleń in Lower Silesia.
In 2004, the institution was the first in Lower Silesia to obtain a grant from the European Union as part the Culture 2000 program in the international project Bibliotheca Sonans jointly organized by the University of Wrocław’s library, Universitätsbibliothek Karl-Franzens-Universität from Graz and Narodni Knihovna CR from Prague.
On the occasion of Wrocław’s millenium in the year 2000, as part of the Wrocławscy Kameraliści the ensemble Ars Cantus came into being specializing in performing Medieval and Renaissance music. Tomasz Dobrzański is the artistic director. This ensemble has already recorded 5 CDs, performed more than 100 times in Poland and abroad at prestige festivals, among others, in Ribeauville, Antwerp and Citta di Castello.
Since 2009, by virtue of the decision of the City of Wrocław, the institution conducts employment services, payroll, cash and legal of 8 other cultural institutions of Wrocław, and presently its main office is located at ul. Ruskiej 46 C.
Piotr Karpeta
Wrocławscy Kameraliści